Field Day FAQ
(Field Day Frequently Asked Questions)
We love hearing from you, but if you have a question it might be answered here!
How many players per team?
Teams need at least 4 participants, with at least one female player in every game. Most events require 4 participants, but some extra players are nice to plan your "strategy". The team registration fee includes up to 6 players on your team.
I don't have a team - Can I participate?
YES - we are accepting individual registrations and can form teams of free agents and small groups. Placement is not guaranteed and dependent on number of signups. The sooner you register, the better your chances are to get placed if we have spots!
Who can participate?
Anyone aged 18 and over. Teams representing special groups are welcome and separate divisions and awards will be based on this participation.
Is there a set schedule for the events?
No - most the events are set up for teams to compete in at their leisure. There may be 1 or 2 events where you compete at a certain time. If a team does not show up during their assigned time to compete, they forfeit those points.
For the other activities, you must complete them before the events window closes or forfeit all points for all events not completed. Event Check-In starts at 10am, events open at 11am, and events close around 3pm.
When/where can I Register?
Registration is online - get pricing and sign up HERE. You may also call the office at 1-877-820-2582 x 2 to register your team(s) over the phone if you're having trouble online.
Where is Field Day located?
Tampa Bay Field Day will be held at Rec Dec St. Pete mostly outdoors on sand surfaces, turf surfaces, with one or two indoor activities. Please plan accordingly to be outdoors the majority of the time. See map and directions HERE.
What should I bring?
Please Bring: Canopy/shade/tent and/or chairs, non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, sunscreen, money for food and drinks, your best game face, and excitement to participate!
What can't I bring?
DON'T Bring: Glass bottled beverages, alcohol of any kind, grills, or animals (leave pets at home - it gets very crowded and there will not be space for pets) and unsportsmanlike behavior and attitudes. Bringing items that are not allowed can result is being asked to leave the property and to not return. No refunds will be given for those breaking the guidelines once asked to leave.
Will there be food and beverages?
Rec Dec sells beer, wine, seltzers, soda, Gatorade, and our kitchen will be open. Big Brothers Big Sisters will have a CHARITY BEER GARDEN - please support them.
Does everyone on my team have to fill out a waiver?
Yes, everyone who is participating in field day has to be signed on your team’s official roster/waiver prior to the event starting. Also, each player that signs your roster will be given a numbered wristband with your team number on it. Only players with a wristband will be able to compete for your team.
What charity benefits from Field Day?
We will be raising funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters through our Charity Challenge. Sign up early and have your teams donate to this cause and earn points for your team by doing so! To donate in your team's name and earn points, visit https://www.tampabayclubsport.com/page/fd-donate. Companies who need a benefits letter can find it HERE.
Can my team wear costumes?
Yes! In addition to the top 3 finishers in each division, we’ll have trophies for best costumes/spirit and charity challenge winner!
Is participating in events the only way to be involved with Field Day?
No it isn't! You can be a part of the staff and work events to participate :)
Email us your interest in working to info@tampabayclubsport.com.